Spring Garden
After a cold Easter break the sun is shining and we are continuing to work hard on our school garden. Every class in the school has planted in their classrooms. We have now put these plants out to harden to prepare them for planting outside. Ms.Foran’s First Class have a strong crop of broad beans which they planted this week. Mr. Cody, Ms. Healy and Ms. O Dwyer planted potatoes in the garden just before the Easter holidays. Ms. Devlin’s class have planted onions in the garden this week and are continuing to keep our garden weed free. Ms. Coffey’s second class have planted peas, lettuce and cabbage. Ms. Weber’s Junior Infants planted Nasturtiums. Ms. Doyle’s 3rd class are planting peas as we type and Ms. Coffey’s Senior Infants are looking forward to planting next. Ms.McEvoy and Mr. O Donnell visited the garden centre to buy plants for our sensory section. We now have lavender to smell, wallflowers and carnations to see, a curry plant to taste, blue grass to hear in the wind and a calocephalus plant to touch.
We are really looking forward to watching our garden grow. More planting news to follow soon!